Search Results for: catherine+price

Happy Anniversary!

Okay, so that’s a shout-out to me: today marks 8 years since I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. I can remember it (sort of) clearly: puking, stumbling to the campus health center and writing down a list of seemingly unrelated symptoms that any first-year medical student would immediately recognize...

A Pastry Sin

As anyone with diabetes knows, managing this disease well requires constant self control and denial — and if you’re diagnosed as an adult, the transition to diabetic living can be pretty shocking. Like, for example, going to the grocery store for the first time after you’re diagnosed. For me it...

Continuous Monitoring

After a brief hiatus, I’m back with great news: I got a continuous glucose monitor. Yes — somehow, despite all the horror stories that I’ve heard about trying to get insurance coverage, I managed to rush through an order for Abbott’s Freestyle Navigator, and had it within two weeks of...

Big Butts For Diabetes

You’ve got to love this headline from the Times of India: “Big Bottom Can Cut Diabetes Risk.” Yes, you read that right. And the lede is almost as satisfying: “Here’s some good news for women who find it hard to squeeze into their skinny jeans, courtesy their big bottoms: a...

Oh, Cruel Cocoa

Forgive me for my temporary silence — holidays got a little out of control. Luckily, this did not involve my normal year-end excessive consumption of Fromage d’Affinois, but I did run into a little food problem: Williams and Sonoma Peppermint Hot Chocolate. Dear lord. It started like this: I came...

Diabetic Horse to Get CGM?

Remember a while back when I wrote about Justin Credible, the world’s first horse to be diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes? (If memory fails, click here.) Well, here’s a follow-up from a website called (appropriately enough) It says that Justin’s owners are working with two companies, DexCom and Insulet,...

The Grateful Diabetic

I was just eating all the foam off the top of a cappuccino and had a sudden moment of gratitude for carbohydrates. Or, rather, all the tasty foods that don’t have them. Usually I’m so focused on the foods I can’t eat (chocolate croissants, I’m talking to you) that I...

A New Step For Stem Cells

Novocell, a San Diego-based stem cell engineering company, just announced that it’s going to partner up with Japanese researcher Shinya Yamanaka of Kyoto University to work on stem cell treatments for type 1. Why is this exciting? First, anything with stem cells is good news to me. Second, in case...

Could A Girl’s Baby Sister Provide A Cure?

I just read a fascinating article from the News-Record about ongoing research involving collecting amniotic fluid of diabetics’ siblings, in hopes that the fluid’s stem cells might eventually help reverse diabetes. The article focuses on a family whose daughter, Chandler, was diagnosed with diabetes just as her mom found out...

Bluestone/Leukemia Drug Update

As fellow reluctant diabetics know, Dr. Jeffrey Bluestone believes the results of his highly publicized type-1-diabetes/leukemia drug study have been exaggerated. (See here.) But this latest article from First Coast News suggests that even though the excitement surrounding the trial was overblown, there still might be human trials starting within...