Search Results for: catherine%2Bprice

Flowers for Insulin

I just had a lovely dip down to 38 mg/dl, so when I first saw a headline indicating that scientists had figured out a wa…

Diabetes in Paradise

To most people, eight days in Hawaii sounds like a dream. And while I’m not a sit-on-the-beach kind of person at a…

A Raw Deal

This is a bit of a Type 1 rant, but I have a question I’m hoping other people with Type 1 can help answer: what ca…

The Artificial Pancreas

Today’s a big day for anyone with Type 1 diabetes: JDRF just announced a partnership with the Animas Corporation t…

Pigs and my Pancreas

Having diabetes makes me pay attention to all sorts of things that, in my previous life, I could have cared less about. …

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