Search Results for: catherine price

Control Freaks

I was just scanning through my daily google alerts and noticed a ton of articles from the Los Angeles Times about diabetes, from a basic primer on diabetes to a multimedia illustration of how diabetes affects blood sugar to pieces about lifestyle changes and incretin therapy (both relating primarily to...

Symlin Update

It’s been a while since I’ve written about Symlin, the drug that helps smooth out blood sugars after meals. (To find out more about Symlin, check out my primer here.) It’s been nearly two months since I started taking it, and my experience, for the most part, has been positive....

A different kind of auto-immune attack

I had an awful diabetic day today, one where my blood sugars veered out of control at around 11 this morning and, to this very moment, have not returned to normal. It started with breakfast: a low-fat, plain greek yogurt with a spoonful of honey and walnuts — a slightly...

Grocery Store Musical

When I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at 22, one of the hardest moments was when I walked into a grocery store for the first time after getting out of the hospital. Suddenly there were entire sections of the store that were completely off-limits to me. Standing there in...

Jay Cutler Goes Public With Type 1

Chicago Bears quarterback Jay Cutler is producing a series of videos (as well as running a fundraising effort) about his life with Type 1 diabetes, The New York Times reports. He’s not the first athlete to go public about living with the disease — as NYT writer Tara Parker-Pope points...

A Genetic Fuse for Diabetes?

According to this press release, a team of Australian scientists have discovered a tiny genetic irregularity that boosts the expression of a key gene that might lead to the development of Type 1 Diabetes. I haven’t seen the actual paper, but any step toward understanding the triggers for Type 1...

Amylin for Weight Loss

A quick post with some breaking news: next week, Amylin Pharmaceuticals is scheduled to announce results from an obesity trial it’s doing to, as I understand it, try to understand why synthetic amylin (a hormone marketed under the brand name Symlin) seems to induce weight loss. To quote from the...

The Abbott Freestyle Navigator? Or Alien Tracking Device?

Ever since I’ve started wearing the Freestyle Navigator — Abbott’s continuous glucometer — I’ve gotten a lot of comments. That’s not surprising — with a transmitter the size of a matchbook, not to mention its accompanying messy layers of lint-covered adhesive, it has a way of standing out. Especially when...

Am I too old to like Nick Jonas?

The answer, in one sense, is yes: he’s 17. But I still admit to having a particular soft spot for Nick Jonas — or, rather, for the work he’s doing to raise awareness for Type 1 diabetes. That’s because Nick, of the boy band the Jonas Brothers, has had Type...

News from Hershey’s: Diabetics can eat sugar!

To be fair, there’s a lot of useful information on this website from Hershey’s (as in the candy company) about diabetes and sugar. It points out that diabetics can eat sugar in small quantities — provided that they manage it appropriately with insulin or exercise — and explains some of...