Search Results for: catherine price

Diabetes and Insurance Predictions

Anyone else catch the story yesterday about how children with Type 1 diabetes are living longer than previous generations of kids with the disease? According to a study published on July 30 in Diabetes (and summarized here), there’s been about a 15-year improvement between a cohort born between 1950 and...

Faustman Lab Research: How Excited Should You Be?

Last week, diabetes headlines were dominated by a new study from the Faustman Lab at Massachusetts General Hospital, published on Wednesday, August 8th on PLoS One, suggesting that a 90-year-old tuberculosis vaccine called BCG might hold promise for people living with type 1 diabetes. “Human Study Reignites Debate Over Controversial...

Trying The Medtronic Mio Infusion Set

This summer I met Catherine Price for the first time. I had been looking forward to this meeting for a long time and when we met and hung out I felt as if I have known her for ages. Catherine, Jess, and I met at a café’ in Philly. Catherine...

Medtronic’s Enlite Sensor: The Waiting is the Hardest Part

When I was at the ADA Scientific Sessions in June, I had the chance to sit down with John Mastrototaro, Vice President of Research and Development for the diabetes business unit at Medtronic, and talk with him about some of Medtronic’s upcoming products and projects for people with diabetes. I...

A Diabetes Dream Home

You’re welcome to use the bathroom in my house but please, don’t look up. As Jess and Mike learned on a recent Philadelphia visit, our bathrooms are something of a disaster zone: the ceilings have been ripped out, there are missing floor boards, and one of our sewer stacks is...

A Pump is Not a Pancreas

As readers of this blog may know, I have been exceptionally frustrated by diabetes recently. Usually, my diabetes I are like cranky travel companions: we don’t always get along, but eventually we sleep in the same bed at night (and that sleep tends to range between 90 and 130 mg/dl)....

What Diabetes Teaches Us About the “Right” Diet

A week or two ago, Mark Bittman’s column in the New York Times caught my eye. Titled “Which Diet Works?” it was a summary of a recent study, published in the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association, that evaluated the effects of three different types of diet on people’s...

The Role of Profit in Diabetes Care: A Force For Good or Evil?

I just got a response to my previous post about the ADA Scientific Sessions that I thought would be worth reposting here and responding to, since I know it’s an issue that lurks beneath the surface in many conversations about pharmaceutical companies and diabetes. Here’s the comment: “I have been...

The ADA Scientific Sessions: The Day After

I think I’m going through some sort of withdrawal after attending the American Diabetes Association’s Scientific Sessions this past week in Philadelphia. It was five whirlwind days of product demonstrations, scientific talks, happy hours, meeting other members of the DOC, and the pleasant (if weird) experience of hearing beeps from...

ADA Scientific Sessions – Live Update – Day 3

...VP of research and development in its diabetes unit, and the importance of exercise and diabetes management. It’s been a whirlwind! I’m also tweeting from catherine_price . Send questions and comments my way. 12:24 Conversation with Mads Krogsgaard Thomsen, Executive VP and Chief Science Officer at Novo Nordisk About Oral...