Search Results for: catherine price

Interview with Kevan Herold: Doctor, Researcher, and Diabetic

...Type 1 diabetes that is now in development for treatment of patients with Type 1 diabetes. His clinical interests are in management of diabetes and complications of diabetes, as well as other Endocrine diseases. Catherine Price interviewed Dr. Herold for A Sweet Life. What’s the story of your own diagnosis?...

Free A1c Tests at Walgreens in November

Good news for anyone who’s not up-to-date on their hemoglobin A1c tests (a simple blood test that gives an idea of your average blood glucose levels over the previous three months): in honor of diabetes awareness month, Walgreens is giving them away for free. Click here for more information, including...

Kristen Stewart Walks for Diabetes

According to various celebrity news sites, Twilight’s Kristen Stewart took a break from promoting New Moon to kick off a recent JDRF Walk for the Cure event in Los Angeles. I’m not the biggest Twilight fan (anyone else find the whole Mormon subtext a little creepy?), but considering the star...

Skyline and Sky High

I’m currently visiting a friend in Cincinnati, and am dealing with all the fun of traveling with diabetes — extra sensors, syringes, insulin, test strips. I don’t have any makeup, but by God, do I have a lot of extra triple A batteries. Anyway, this is my first time in...
Vietnamese Cabbage Salad

Vietnamese Cabbage Salad

I’ve recently become enamored of a chicken salad served by a Vietnamese restaurant near my office. It’s a huge pile of shredded cabbage, carrots, cilantro and mint — and I find myself ordering it several times a week. So I decided to try to develop a version at home. This...

A Diabetes Super Food

First off, thanks to everyone who weighed in with their own problems with delayed insulin. As I mentioned, I’ve had numerous conversations with endocrinologists and still have never gotten a good answer as to why it happens — but as you all apparently know as well, it does. And it’s...

Delayed Insulin

Earlier today I complained about the effects my grilled cheese sandwich were having on my post-lunch control. Steady at 262 for about three hours — horrible! I also predicted that, once I’d biked home and headed out the door to tutor, my blood sugar would drop dramatically without any more...

Oh, cruel lunch

I’m having one of those “damn you, diabetes!” moments where my post lunch blood sugar is hovering happily at around 260 mg/dcl and is refusing to budge, despite my best attempts at correction. This is doubly frustrating, first because I didn’t eat anything particularly bad — just a half sandwich...

Feed Me Chocolate

...too painful to say good-bye to them again tomorrow. So, following the lead of Catherine Price, I decided to go for dark chocolate. Until yesterday, to me dark chocolate had always been something I associated with huge disappointment. What was worse as a kid then getting your hands on some...

Home Alone

...about diabetes — which means that I’ve essentially been thinking about it all day. But even without the writing, it’s still tiring, this disease. I’m sure I’m not the only diabetic out there who would pay good money — at least the price of a CGM — for a vacation....