Search Results for: catherine+price

Sandra Peterson: Driving Diabetes at Bayer HealthCare

For as long as I can remember, my father has communicated with me through newspaper clippings. This is not to say this is the only way we can talk — far from it, luckily — but my father is a voracious reader. He rarely appears in public without some form...

A Raw Deal

This is a bit of a Type 1 rant, but I have a question I’m hoping other people with Type 1 can help answer: what can we do to clarify the fact that Type 1 diabetes cannot be reversed by changing your diet? Over the past couple days, I’ve had...

The Artificial Pancreas

Today’s a big day for anyone with Type 1 diabetes: JDRF just announced a partnership with the Animas Corporation to develop what they’re calling a “First-Generation Automated System for Managing Type 1 Diabetes.” Translation? They’re trying to make the first-ever artificial pancreas. Very, very exciting. To quote from the JDRF...

Pigs and my Pancreas

Having diabetes makes me pay attention to all sorts of things that, in my previous life, I could have cared less about. Like, for example, the different ways that cottage cheese and plain greek yogurt affect your blood sugar levels. Or how many grams of carbohydrate are in an avocado...

Dan Hurley and Diabetes Rising

I’ve got an interview up today with Dan Hurley, author of the new book, Diabetes Rising — and wanted to write a quick blog post to mention one of my favorite parts of the book: Hurley’s ear for analogies for life with diabetes that are so spot-on that I made...

Diabetes Rising: An Interview With Author Dan Hurley

Check out the diabetes section of your local bookstore, and chances are most books will fall into three types: memoirs, recipes and tips. Each of these categories is valuable in its own right — if you try to steal my copy of Pumping Insulin, you’ve got another thing coming. But...

Is 2010 trying to kill me?

For people with diabetes, New Year’s isn’t just a chance to start afresh with some new blood sugar resolutions (I will determine my exact fasting carb-to-insulin ratio. I will!) — it’s an opportunity to celebrate the end of holiday season, and its accompanying smorgasbord of high-carb treats. As I see...

Happy Birthday, Mary Tyler Moore!

I heard on the news this morning that today is the birthday of Mary Tyler Moore, who’s long been the biggest celebrity advocate for people with Type 1 diabetes — which she herself has. It got me thinking about what a difference it can make to have someone famous advocate...

Business Class

...stay awake at night strategizing ways to get an aisle seat. I will spend hours — literally hours — going through travel websites to see if I can somehow unearth The Perfect, Secret Deal in which I am blessed with William Shatner/Priceline-inspired abilities to slash prices with my mind. If...


Usually when I use expressions like “rear-ended” in posts about diabetes, I mean it metaphorically. Like, for example, I could coin a new term for the phenomenon caused by Symlin (and, for that matter, any food with low glycemic index), meaning “getting hit from behind by an unexpected high blood...