Erica Kerwien of Comfy Belly
Mashed Roasted Cauliflower

Mashed Cauliflower

My favorites: Cauliflower. Roasted cauliflower. Steamed cauliflower. Cauliflower soup. Fried cauliflower (it's just like popcorn!), and now there's a new cauliflower favorite on my block, thanks to Erica Kerwien of Comfy Belly: mashed cauliflower.
Green Eggs with Kale Pesto - Comfy Belly

Green Eggs (With Kale Pesto)

Are you looking for a perfect breakfast recipe? Erica Kerwien of Comfy Belly, has shared her recipe...

Kale Pesto

Kale is a perfect food to highlight during Diabetes Awareness Month, and we're delighted to share one of our favorite blogger's recipes for Kale Pesto and Green Eggs. Erica Kerwien, the talented author of Comfy Belly found inspiration for this recipe while perusing kale recipes at 101 Cookbooks.

Cheese Bread Pizza Crust

The good news about this cheese and almond flour pizza crust is that the bottom gets crunchy too! So it’s an all-around win. You can serve these hot and fresh with toppings, and also save them in the fridge for a few days.
Spinach Tart - comfybelly

Spinach Tart

I love green food. I always have. I was the kid who liked broccoli, spinach, squash, and brussel sprouts. My perfect quick meal is sauteed spinach with onions, olive oil, cheese, and 2 eggs. Basically the filling for Spanakopita, Greek spinach pie.