Peg Abernathy
Peg Abernathy

Peg Abernathy is a diabetes subject matter expert, media consultant, writer and speaker with over 20 years professional experience in the diabetes industry. Her unique perspective of the diabetes pandemic and how it affects the individual is predicated on her own diagnosis of type 1 diabetes over 25 years ago. She brings a knowledgeable and passionate perception of the implications of managing pre-existing conditions with regard to healthcare access, personal lifestyle and corporate relevancy in the social media driven diabetes consumer landscape. Peg spent 2.5 years on Sirius Radio as a writer, producer and on-air talent for the Lime Network. She began her media career as a studio session singer and has over 50 commercial and film credits. She works in Los Angeles and New York.

When You Love a Woman With Type 1 Diabetes

When You Love a Woman With Type 1 Diabetes

Ever try to enjoy sex while worried about your blood sugar dropping or soaring? How about having your medical devices front and center on your body? And because of the cost, and inconvenience I might add, of a device being knocked off, I always have to consider where my devices are on my body to help avoid that scenario.