Martha Rose Shulman
Martha Rose Shulman

Martha Rose Shulman is the award-winning author of more than twenty-five cookbooks, including Mediterranean Harvest: Vegetarian Recipes from the World’s Healthiest Cuisine, Mediterranean Light, Provençal Light, and Entertaining Light. Her food combines pleasure and health, drawing from inherently healthy cuisines with big flavors. She currently writes a daily recipe column on entitled Recipes for Health, and is a founding contributor to

The End of the Low-Fat Era

For many people, low-fat diets are even worse than moderate or high-fat diets because they're often high in carbohydrates...
Baked Eggplant Omlette

Baked Eggplant Omelet

This is based on a Tunisian dish that is always served at room temperature. You have the choice of serving it warm or at room temperature.

Swiss Chard Stalk and Tahini Dip

This is an ingenious Middle Eastern dish, and another example of how Mediterranean cooks never let a thing go to waste.

A Ragout of White Beans and Red Chard

I love the way red chard bleeds into the beans, tingeing them with pink. The herbs add dimension and color to this comforting dish.

Hard-to-Swallow Science

As a cookbook author, the sodium recommendations make me nervous. What if you don’t eat much processed food? What if you and the people you are cooking for don’t have high blood pressure?...

Truccha (Swiss Chard Omelet)

Truccha is the signature omelet of Provence and my favorite of all of the omelets of this region. It’s packed with Swiss chard and lots of garlic. If I have greens lying around (not always chard, mind you; beet greens will do just as well, as will spinach), as often as not they’ll end up in a truccha.