For the science geeks I recommend The Brain That Changes Itself. This book tells fascinating stories of patients and researchers in the evolving area of neuroplasticity. No science degree necessary to understand and enjoy!
I may regret saying this, but I have become a fan of Jim Butcher's Dresden Files. It is an alternative reality series in which magic is real and the main character is a wizard who also works as a detective in Chicago.
In India there are certain plants that seem to have properties that provide protection from diabetes and diabetic complications. One of these plants is called amla or gooseberry...
We can prevent diabetes in animal models and we are trying to figure out how to prevent it in man...
Believe it or not, our bodies were made to move. We all need exercise. Dr. Bryan Bergman, explains just how much exercise we need for cardiovascular health, insulin resistance...
Know yourself, know your diabetes. A biologist explains how understanding the nature of diabetes will lead to better management of the disease...