Rachel Zinman
Rachel Zinman

Rachel Zinman was diagnosed with diabetes in 2008. She’s been practicing yoga for over thirty years and writes the blog Yoga For Diabetes. You can find out more about Rachel’s yoga teaching here.

Yoga and Diabetes: How to Breath with Diabetes

How to Breathe With Diabetes

Now eight years after my diagnosis, I view Type 1 diabetes not as a punishment for wrongdoing, but as an opportunity. As a yoga teacher and long time yoga practitioner I’ve always been able to find the gifts within the challenges.
The Danger of Treating Diabetes with Alternative Medicine - Rachel Zinman

The Danger of Treating Diabetes with Alternative Medicine

Diet, exercise, and herbs couldn’t cure my diabetes. I was eager to know if he did know what would cure me. The doctor's take on my health was that I was overly sensitive due to environmental factors. Electromagnetic frequencies were affecting my blood sugar levels and the heavy amounts of supplements I was taking were damaging my liver.