Rick Phillips
Rick Phillips

Lawrence ‘Rick’ Phillips was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age sixteen in 1974 while at Disney World (proving it is not always the happiest place on earth. Rick started his career in Local Government in 1979. He eventually served as a City Controller and Development Director for two Cities and Director of Business for two School Districts in Indiana before his retirement. He earned a Doctor of Education in 2013. Rick writes about his life with Type 1 Diabetes and Rheumatoid Arthritis at RADiabetes.com. Rick and his wife Sheryl live in Central Indiana. Rick speaks about their grandchildren often, and their sons occasionally.

A Very Private Diabetes Complication

A Very Private Diabetes Complication

I received my pickle over 60 years ago. I have had it all my life. Shortly after others saw my pickle, it was shaved and after that, my pickle pretty…