Caitlin Rufo-McCormick
Caitlin Rufo-McCormick

Caitlin Rufo-McCormick is a Boston-based writer and education consultant. She lives with her wife, two greyhounds, and mischievous cat.

Vitamania - Book Cover

Are Vitamins Good for Us?

Catherine Price’s Vitamania confronts us health-conscious readers with one of our most deeply embedded cultural beliefs: that vitamins are good for us. We all know, or think we know, that vitamins are central to a healthy diet. We look for them in foods, both natural and processed, and we supplement with pills and powders. An apple a day keeps the doctor away – but how? And if one apple is good, are more apples better?
Sweet Tooth - Book Cover

Coming of Age with Diabetes: Sweet Tooth Book Review

Sweet Tooth is Tim Anderson’s memoir of homosexuality, high school, the eighties, and diabetes, all south of the Mason-Dixon line. This seems like a recipe for disaster, but luckily things don’t go as badly as you might imagine.

The Spa at Norwich Inn: A Healthy Vacation

The Spa at Norwich Inn in Norwich, Connecticut, offers various programs for health and wellness, and I went there wondering what services it could provide for clients with diabetes.