Oren Liebermann
Oren Liebermann

Oren Liebermann is an award-winning journalist, pilot, and traveler. He was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in Nepal while backpacking around the world with his wife. His favorite book is the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and his favorite movie is The Princess Bride. Oren lives in New York City with his wife and their two cats.

Machu-Picchu - Conquering the Inca Trail with Diabetes

Conquering the Inca Trail with Diabetes

I tried to eat between 60-80g of carbs a meal. The meals were about four hours apart, and I made sure to eat a Snickers bar or a glucose gel between meals without taking insulin. I never found my blood sugar to be too high on the trail. Anything below 100 was already too low, and I immediately made sure to eat something with carbs.

Surviving, But Barely: A Type 1 Diabetes Diagnosis in Nepal

The number staring back at me on the display was in the low 400s. I had no idea what that meant, but I sensed it was bad. The doctor held his breath for a moment before speaking. "I'm sorry to tell you my friend," said the doctor, "but you are a diabetic." That's it. In that brief sentence, one part of my life was over, and another part had begun.