Renza Scibilia
Renza Scibilia

Renza Scibilia has lived with Type 1 diabetes since 1998. She is a diabetes patient advocate and works for a diabetes organization where she manages the community and peer support programs. Renza is a regular speaker at diabetes conferences both in Australia and internationally. She also writes one of Australia’s most wide-read patient blogs, Diabetogenic. Renza lives in inner-Melbourne with her husband, daughter, and menagerie of fluffy animals. She spends her spare time drinking too much coffee, baking with Nutella and dreaming of New York City. She collects books and boots, and has an obsession with collective nouns.

My Type 1 Diabetes is Not My Fault

My Type 1 Diabetes is Not My Fault

In addition to telling the world that autoimmune conditions are a result of self-loathing (as a person with three autoimmune conditions, I clearly despise myself!), Sarah Wilson also writes about a magical talent she has. So magical, that I am unable to understand why she is not teaching at Hogwarts.