Susan Weiner, MS, RDN, CDE, CDN
Susan Weiner, MS, RDN, CDE, CDN

Susan Weiner, MS, RDN, CDE, CDN is the 2015 American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) Diabetes Educator of the Year, and the recipient of the 2014 Distinguished Alumna Award from SUNY Oneonta. She co-authored The Complete Diabetes Organizer: Your Guide to a Less Stressful and More Manageable Diabetes Life(Spry 2013) with professional organizer Leslie Josel. Susan was recently voted one of the 10 top diabetes nutrition education bloggers by She is the medical advisor for com and is on the advisory board of several diabetes organizations. Susan earned her master’s degree in applied physiology and nutrition from Columbia University.


Seven Steps to a Diabetes Friendly Fridge

A clean, well-stocked refrigerator may be the last thing you associate with better diabetes control. But it can make a bigger difference than you think. In addition to providing an efficient and functional space for healthy food and insulin storage, a spotless and organized refrigerator can keep you from getting sick. People with diabetes are at higher risk for developing serious complications from foodborne illnesses.

Fall Into a Stress-Free Holiday Season

It’s still October, yet the big box store where I shop for household essentials is already festooned in twinkling lights and tinsel. All before…

Tips for Traveling with Diabetes

If you plan to travel abroad, have all your medical information converted to the language of the country you are planning to visit. Carry this information with you at all times. Create one sheet with all your important information. Convert it to a PDF and save it in a Dropbox or Evernote folder that you can access from anywhere. Or, snap a photo with your phone for a quick reference.