Erin Spineto
Erin Spineto

Erin Spineto, a UC San Diego graduate, science teacher, wife and mother of two, works with the non-profit Insulindependence. As a type 1 diabetic determined to challenge herself, Erin set out on a solo sailing trip. She tells the story of her adventure and of living with diabetes in her memoir, Islands and Insulin, A Diabetic Sailor’s Memoir. Erin has shared an excerpt from her book with us, and as you read it, you’ll learn about her struggle, her ability to rise and overcome, and most wonderfully, her zest for life.


Book Excerpt: Islands and Insulin, A Diabetic Sailor’s Memoir

The fear and frustration of diabetes fences me in. It has slowly worn me out. I have to get back to the girl I was before all this diabetes shit started. The girl who feared nothing, except being weak. The girl who always accepted a challenge and was ready at any time to go on any journey that presented itself.