Jo Treitman
Jo Treitman

Jo Treitman graduated from Wellesley College with a B.A. in Neuroscience in 2011. She is currently living in Cambridge, MA and working full-time as CDN’s Program Director. She was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at the age of 14. She co-founded the Wellesley College CDN chapter, and attributes much of her success to overcoming the frustrations of Type 1 diabetes and the incredible community that she has found because of it.

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Diabesties: An App That Connects People With Diabetes

My diabesties, as we began to call ourselves, were also struggling to manage diabetes in college. The three of us agreed that it was time to take responsibility and to hold each other and ourselves accountable for living healthy lives with diabetes. There was no reason for us to spend so much time feeling guilty, tired, frustrated, and sick.