Scott Richard
Scott Richard

Scott Richard was born in Miami, Florida and grew up in Houston, Texas. He attended the University of Texas at Austin where he completed a degree in Communications. Initially, Scott began his career working in the entertainment industry, but found the world of Wall Street more fascinating. He currently works for the NASDAQ OMX Group in their Philadelphia, PA office. He is the Director of Trading and Clearing Operations where he oversees a team of System Reliability Engineers. In 1987, Scott was diagnosed with Type I Diabetes and has been in tight control since. When he is not working, Scott loves to spend his time with his wife and two children ages 7 and 4 ½. He actively exercises at the gym, plays sports, coaches his children in youth sports, loves the television and plays the occasional video game.

Omnipod Tested

Omnipod Put to the Test

I have been extremely happy with the Omnipod and require less insulin than I used to because I never detach. I feel that my work outs are better now and I am more comfortable in my daily routine. In April of this year, I decided sign up for run my first “Mudder” race called the Rugged Maniac. The Rugged Maniac is a 5K mud run full of military-style obstacles, designed by British Special Forces.