Jessica Apple
Jessica Apple

Jessica Apple grew up in Houston. She studied Bible and Ancient Near Eastern Studies at the University of Michigan, and completed an MA in the same field at the Hebrew University. She began to write and publish short stories while a student, and continues to write essays and fiction while raising her three sons (and many pets). Jessica’s work has appeared in The New York Times Magazine, The Financial Times Magazine, The Southern Review, The Bellevue Literary Review, Tablet Magazine, and elsewhere. She is the diabetes correspondent for The Faster Times. In 2009 she and her husband, both type 1 diabetics, founded A Sweet Life, where she serves as editor-in-chief. Jessica loves spending time with her sons, cooking with her husband, playing with her cats, reading, biking, drinking coffee, and whenever possible, taking a nap. Follow Jessica on Twitter (@jessapple)

Coffee Cup

Drink Coffee, But Not Too Much

We’re seen a number of studies discussing the health benefits of coffee, and this makes us pretty happy. A new study, however, heeds caution.…
Dee and Bill Drehm

Dee and Bill Brehm: Working Toward a Type 1 Diabetes Cure

One Sunday evening in 1999, as Dee was preparing dinner, Bill entered their kitchen and asked if he could do anything to help her. Dee turned quickly and said defiantly, “You can cure this disease.” Bill was quiet for a moment, and then said, “OK”. So that began their serious quest for a Type 1 diabetes cure and Type 1 diabetes prevention.
Diabetes Dos and How-Tos

Diabetes Do’s & How-To’s: A New Book by Riva Greenberg

Not long ago, I spent time with author Riva Greenberg, who has been living with type 1 diabetes for over 40 years. Riva is a well-known diabetes advocate and has just published her third book, Diabetes Do’s & How To’s. She blogs about diabetes for The Huffington Post, and travels around the U.S. giving talks about diabetes. I could write a long paragraph about Riva’s many achievements, but rather than that, I’d like to tell you why I think she is so successful.
Sugar Alcohols - Warm Chocolate Cake

Sugar Alcohols Can Raise Blood Glucose Levels

Most of us who've been living with diabetes for a while know that eating foods with sugar alcohols can lead to stomach upset. What a lot of us don't realize is that sugar alcohols are not "free" foods. It's true that they have fewer calories than sugar, and they aren't likely to cause a quick surge in blood sugar levels.
Blair Ryan - IronMan - Bike

Ironman Arizona with Type 1 Diabetes: An Interview with Blair Ryan

I raced Ironman Arizona in November, 2012. I took a very simple approach to my training and simply swam, rode, and ran whenever I could fit it in. I can’t tell you how many miles or yards I completed leading up to the race because I never logged it. The longest run I did leading up to the race was 13 miles, and I’d never run more than 15 in my life. This was not how I planned to train at the time I registered for the race.
Diabetes Books

New Diabetes Books Abound

New diabetes books are appearing left and right, and we've complied a list of some newly published and up-and-coming titles you won't want to miss. Check out our diabetes books list, and if you've already read the books, please send us your feedback.
Omnipod Test

10 Best Diabetes Stories of 2012

It wasn't easy, but our editors have selected ASweetLife's 10 best diabetes stories of 2012. From research and technology to cooking and personal triumph, 2012 had it all. Many thanks to our readers for your loyalty and support. We wish everyone a very happy and healthy 2013, and may it bring in the best diabetes stories, hopefully ones that hint a diabetes cure is near.

Get Ready, Get Active, Take the Big Blue Test!

During the month leading up to November 14th, World Diabetes Day, you can participate in The Big Blue Test, one of the leading diabetes advocacy events of the year. When you take part in the Big Blue Test, not only do help yourself, you help others living with diabetes.

Happy Anniversary: Our Most Popular Diabetes Blog Posts of the Year

From the outset Mike and I had envisioned ASweetLife as platform to share many voices of diabetes, and we are so grateful to the bloggers who have made this happen. We're really excited to kick off our fourth year with new bloggers. And now we're looking back at some of our most popular blog posts from October 2011 until today. Below are your favorites, in no particular order. Happy Anniversary to all of us!

Roasted Grape Tomato and Quinoa Salad

We have made roasted tomato soup on many occasions and without a doubt, the roasting process intensifies the flavor of the tomatoes. They even become a bit sweet. For a dinner with my mother-in-law in mind, we set about trying to create a salad that incorporated tomatoes, but not raw ones, so it would suit everyone’s tastes.