Category: Diabetes Advocacy

CDN Home Page

College Diabetes Network Takes it to the Next Level

The College Diabetes Network (CDN) started here at UMass five years ago. It was created by Christina Roth who has Type 1 diabetes, and was then a UMass student searching for peer support. Her first meeting was attended by just a few people, but she understood how great the need was for diabetes peer support in college. She turned CDN from a little group on one campus into a national program.
Beyond the Ice Bucket

Beyond the Ice Bucket: The Real Challenge for Diabetes Advocacy

In the diabetes world, I saw numerous commentators extolling the need for a parallel ice bucket challenge to raise money for diabetes research. This made me wonder why the idea of "making a difference" is almost universally equated with fundraising for research to the exclusion of all other needs in the global diabetes community.
CDN logo

Watch and Learn How the College Diabetes Network Helps Students

College life with diabetes can get complicated and overwhelming. The College Diabetes Network (CDN) is a resource whose sole focus is to help students as they navigate through the wonderful chaos of college. CDN just reiterating "doctors office advice", it connects you with your peers so that you can share real experiences and find what works best for you.
Ice Bucket Challenge

Does Diabetes Need an Ice Bucket Challenge?

It’s understandable, then, with the incredible attention the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is getting for those of us in the diabetes community to be in awe, to be inspired and okay, to be a little jealous. After all, ALS is getting a boost like we’ve never seen before. So you might be surprised by what I’m going to say here:

Five Things You Need To Know From The ADA 74th Scientific Sessions

Given that new tools to detect hypoglycemia, such as continuous glucose monitors, are now available, lead the authors to issue a target of 7.5% A1C for the entire pediatric population. It is important to note that despite the new lower recommendation, a recent study showed that only 32% of the Type 1 pediatric population met the previous ADA targets for their age group.
Diabetes Advocate Moira McCarthy

The Amazing Benefits of Being a Diabetes Advocate

We took a terrible thing in our lives – the diagnosis of our beloved daughter with an incurable disease that requires constant attention, scares the woopsies out of us and costs a fortune in both time and money – and we carved something fun out of it.
JDRF Childrens Congress - Mary Tyler Moore

Thanks to Mary Tyler Moore…

Mary Tyler Moore was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes some four decades ago, and through the years she’s been perhaps the world’s top diabetes spokesperson. But advocacy couldn’t protect her from Type 1 diabetes complications. The new Closer Weekly Magazine cover story on Mary Tyler Moore, tells the story of her battle with type 1 diabetes, and her current state of health.
Patient Voices Logo 2014

2014 Patient Voices Contest Announced

DiabetesMine has announced its 2014 Patient Voices Contest - a program which grants scholarships to 10 applicants who wish to attend and participate in our DiabetesMine Innovation Summit held in the fall at Stanford...