Category: Diabetes Advocacy

Dr. Phil Launches Type 2 Diabetes Education Campaign

Dr. Phil Launches Type 2 Diabetes Education Campaign

Discussing the guilt and stigma that often accompanies type 2 diabetes, television personality Dr. Phil announced a new initiative to increase awareness of, and improve treatment for, the condition he’s had for more than 25 years.
sweetsiblingstable home

Sweet Siblings: Diabetes Youth Advocates Offer Support

For kids and teenagers living with type 1 diabetes, it can be hard to find the resources and communities that click for them, as many sites are understandably geared toward their parents. Facing a new diagnosis, it’s especially scary for kids, and they might have questions that are different from the ones their parents have.
Diabetes UnConference: Laces -1

Diabetes UnConference: It’s Tailored For You

One of the beautiful peculiarities of the UnConference is the way in which, by the end, we couldn’t have told you who had which type of diabetes. My fellow facilitators Stephen Shaul, Anna and Mike Norton, Dr. Nicole Bereolos, Kate Cornell, Moira McCarthy Stanford, Dr. Jill Weissberg-Benchell, and Bennet Dunlap impressed me with their empathetic responses to people's contributions...
People Who "Get" Diabetes

People Who “Get” Diabetes

She brought Kate a gift basket of juice boxes and other low treats. She got it. I didn’t need to explain a thing. Reflecting on our journey, I realize that while there have been times when it seemed like no one got it, there were so many more times when people tried to show they did.
Spare a Rose Save a Child

Spare a Rose, Save a Child With Diabetes

I will never forget the story I heard from Life for a Child several years ago about the children who stood at the end of a village road waiting for insulin to arrive from aid workers, crying when a vial fell to the ground and shattered. I weep when I think of those little ones watching that hope and hopelessness pool into the cracks of the dry earth.
Alyssa's Promise

Alyssa’s Promise: How to Drive Safely with Diabetes

While aware of the impact of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) on the ability to drive, they were not aware that driving with hyperglycemia may be just as dangerous. The Zepedas vowed to do whatever it took to spread the word in order to spare another family this type of heartbreak.
beyond type 1 logo

Beyond Type 1: Beyond Compare

Lucas doesn’t see Beyond Type 1 as a traditional diabetes nonprofit, but more like a seed-funded tech startup, as they have the luxury of having been completely self-funded. She says they are “taking the lessons from Silicon Valley and applying them to a nonprofit.”
Chris_T1D Exposed 2016

T1D Exposed: The Story Behind the Calendar

It's about acknowledging the struggle and changes to your life and body while celebrating your existence and abilities. The calendar reminds us to practice gratitude for all the amazing things are bodies are able to accomplish each day with insulin.