People Who “Get” Diabetes

People Who "Get" Diabetes


As a parent of a child with Type 1 diabetes since December 2010, I know the frustration of dealing with people who just don’t “get” it. And then I think back to February 2007, when the little boy across the street was diagnosed with Type 1. Did I get it? I cringe as I try to remember. I knew about insulin pumps and that there were two types of diabetes but that was about it. I also knew that this little boy, Weston, was my son’s best buddy. I treated him exactly like I always had. I made him call his mother when he got to my house. I watched him cross the street each time he left my house. I do not remember getting instructions for what to do in case he went low. I do remember him saying, “Miss Robin, do you have any graham crackers? I need to eat something right now.”

Fast forward almost four years. Weston’s mom was the first person I called after Kate’s diagnosis. She brought Kate a gift basket of juice boxes and other low treats. She got it. I didn’t need to explain a thing. Reflecting on our journey, I realize that while there have been times when it seemed like no one got it, there were so many more times when people tried to show they did.

For example, the school principal called immediately and said, “Tell us what you need us to do for Kate and your family.”

And the school secretary called the next day to tell me she has Type 1 and wears an insulin pump.

The school librarian, who had been an RN, took complete care of Kate’s needs during those first few months of adjusting. She even asked to come to pump training.

Other teachers asked to be educated, and asked to practice giving injections and doing site changes. Some made room in their classrooms for Kate’s supplies and bought her Diet Cokes when her blood sugar was high.

Kate’s former teachers greeted me with tears in their eyes when they learned of Kate’s diagnosis, their hearts aching for this child that they loved.

Kate is now in high school. Some things have changed– many new friends (and a lot of new parents for me to meet). Some things are the same, like the friends who are willing to learn about diabetes, and who understand that diabetes is only one part of who Kate is as a person.

So we are grateful for the high school teacher who reached out before freshman year to ask Kate’s opinion on how to address the “no food in class” rule, which of course, did not apply to Kate. Would Kate know that the rule didn’t apply? Would she feel uncomfortable eating in class if she needed to? Did the rest of the class need to know why Kate was exempt?  Thoughtful, kind questions.

And the teacher who asked in advance if Kate had a preference for where to sit in case she needed to leave the classroom.

The teacher who shared that he has a cousin with Type 1.

And then there are the parents and friends… those who thanked me for letting them know about the diagnosis before their kids came home from school, so they could answer questions and provide comfort.

And the parents who never stopped inviting Kate to birthday parties, pool parties, and sleepovers.

The parents who chaperoned my daughter on field trips when I couldn’t be there.

The parents who called and asked if Kate needed anything special.

The parents who’ve invited Kate knowing she has Type 1, and those who’ve invited her and don’t know until she gets there because it is just such a part of her that their children don’t think of it right away.

The friends who watched the Diabetes Education PowerPoint Kate created.

The friends who asked to have their blood sugar checked.

The friends who donated to our fundraising walks and those who joined us on those walks.

The new friends who asked Kate to check her blood sugar again, because they missed seeing her do it the first time. (And she did.)

The coaches and camp directors who haven’t even flinched when they discover Kate has diabetes.

And every person who has “liked” one of our Facebook posts or Instagram pictures about diabetes. That simple act is greater support than you realize.

Sure, we still get “You don’t look like you have diabetes? Did you eat a lot of candy?” and the “Should you be eating that?”, but we view those as teachable moments.

So do all these kind and generous people really get it?   Probably not, because, no one really gets it unless they live it. And I hope they never do. I long for the day that no other family gets it. And in the meantime, I am grateful for all those who do their best to help and support us.

Robin Cacopardo
Robin Cacopardo

Robin Cacopardo and her family split their time between the mountains of East Tennessee and the North Carolina coast. Her oldest child, Nick, has a severe food allergy. Her youngest, Kate, was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in 2010 at the age of 10. Kate took part in the University of Virginia Artificial Pancreas clinical trial. Robin’s years as a high school teacher are being put to good use as she navigates the world of parenting teens. She is also part of the team of amazing D moms behind

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