Category: Science

Orgenesis Process

The Orgenesis Approach to a Diabetes Cure: Turning Liver Cells into Beta Cells

Dr. Ferber wants to take a patient’s own liver cells, turn them into beta cells in the lab, and then put them back in the patient just like an islet cell transplant. Because the starting cells are the patient’s own cells, important protein markers on the cells would “match” what the patient’s immune system expects, and the cells would in theory not induce an immune reaction like an organ transplant would.

Why Everyone is Talking About Glucagon

In anticipation of stable, liquid glucagon, one of the newest entrants into the insulin pump space, Tandem Diabetes Care has jumped ahead of the crowd and created a two-chamber infusion pump capable of holding and injecting both insulin and a secondary hormone, which they expect will be glucagon. This tandem Tandem pump is already being tested in Dr. Ed Damiano's clinical trial of a dual-hormone bionic pancreas.
ADA 73rd Scientific Sessions

Researchers Identify Those at High Risk for Type 1 Diabetes

Great strides have been made recently in predicting who is most likely to develop type 1 diabetes, allowing researchers to identify the disease at the earliest stages of development and potentially intervene to preserve beta cell function at a much earlier stage and ultimately prevent onset of symptomatic diabetes.

Artificial Pancreas Used at Home For the First Time

Five adults in the UK with type 1 diabetes have used an artificial pancreas in their homes without medical supervision. This step offers real hope for a future where people with type 1 diabetes no longer have to monitor blood glucose levels, and where they have a better chance of living a long and healthy life.
Biodel logo

Biodel to Produce Glucagon Rescue Product

Biodel has announced plans to submit a New Drug Application (NDA) to the FDA in 2015 for a novel glucagon rescue device to treat severe hypoglycemia. Having previously signed a long-term commercial supply agreement for bulk glucagon, Biodel expects to select a final formulation of its novel glucagon therapy...

Type 2 Diabetes in Youth More Aggressive Than in Adults, Even When Treated

According to a series of study results being published in a special issue of Diabetes Care youth with type 2 diabetes experience a more rapid progression of co-morbidities far more aggressive than what is typically seen in adults, even when they receive the best currently available treatment and close monitoring of their condition.