Category: Research

Link Found Between Type 1 Diabetes and Enterovirus Infection

While the causes and triggers of type 1 diabetes remain unknown, researchers from Australia have found a link between type 1 diabetes and enteroviruses, which can lead to cold, flu and even meningitis. The researchers conducted an analysis of a number of studies and found that children with type 1 diabetes are almost 10 times more likely...
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JDRF and Eli Lilly to Fund Regenerative Medicine Research for Type 1 Diabetes

JDRF and Eli Lilly signed an agreement to fund early-stage research that could enable patients with type 1 diabetes to regenerate the insulin-producing cells destroyed by the disease. The goal of this research agreement is to understand how selected cells can be reprogrammed in order to convert them into insulin-producing cells in the body. This research is an example of regenerative medicine...

Sanofi-aventis and UCSF to Collaborate on Development of Diabetes Therapies

The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and sanofi-aventis have formed two new research and development collaborations that join together leaders from academia and industry to more rapidly advance groundbreaking innovation from the lab to the patient. The first collaboration promotes innovative research in pharmacological science and in multiple therapeutic areas, such as oncology, aging, diabetes and inflammation...

Sanofi-aventis Acquires Next Generation Drug Delivery Technology for Diabetes Treatment

Sanofi-aventis announced it has signed a global licensing and patent transfer agreement with Ascendis Pharma (Ascendis) on Ascendis’ proprietary TransCon Linker and Hydrogel carrier technology, which allows for a drug compound to be released in the body in a precise, time-controlled fashion, creating a long-acting effect...

Russia First Country to Approve Porcine Islet Cell Transplants

Living Cell Technologies announced that its Russian subsidiary, LCT Biomedical Limited, has received registration of the company’s groundbreaking diabetes treatment, DIABECELL, as a marketable medical technology in Russia. Registration allows for the sale and use of the DIABECELL technology in the treatment of type 1 diabetes in Russia....

Sperm-Producing Cells Turned Into Insulin Producers

Human spermatogonial stem cells extracted from testicular tissue can be turned into insulin-secreting beta islet cells normally found in the pancreas, say scientists from Georgetown University Medical Center (GUMC)...

Mechanism for Controlling Blood Sugar Level Discovered

Medical scientists at the University of Leicester have identified for the first time a new way in which the body controls blood sugar levels following a meal. The researchers discovered that in order to maintain the correct levels of sugar, a protein present on the cells that release insulin in the pancreas has to be active. This protein, called the M3-muscarinic receptor...
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Amylin Pharmaceuticals and JDRF to Collaborate on Study of Metreleptin as Diabetes Therapy

The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) and Amylin Pharmaceuticals, Inc. have agreed to to provide financial support for a clinical proof-of-concept study to investigate the effects of metreleptin, an analog of the human hormone leptin, in patients with type 1 diabetes which will be conducted at The University of Texas (UT) Southwestern Medical Center...