Category: Cure


FDA Grants Diamyd Medical´s Diamyd Orphan Drug Designation

Diamyd Medical announced the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted its type 1 diabetes drug candidate Diamyd® Orphan Drug Designation. Orphan drugs qualify for several incentives including a seven-year period of market exclusivity in the US...

Diamyd US Phase III study of Type 1 Drug Well on the Way

Diamyd Medical announced that 100 patients are now enrolled in the company's US Phase III study called DiaPrevent at 33 diabetes centers throughout the USA and more sites are to be added. The study will include 320 children and adolescents between 10 and 20 years of age, recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes....

Dolphin ability to switch on and off diabetes could lead to human cure

Researchers found that dolphins can induce diabetes when there is little food around and turn it off when food is abundant, according to Telegraph. They believe this is a unique ability in the animal kingdom and results from the dolphin’s need to maintain high blood sugar levels to feed its big brain....
JDRF New Logo

New research may hold key to future type 1 diabetes cure

JDRF announced that research financed by JDRF may hold a key component for a possible type 1 diabetes cure. The researchers at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in California found that a hormone responsible for the body's stress response is also linked to the growth of insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. The researchers found that the stress...

FDA Approves Diamyd Vaccine Study In Children As Young As 3

Diamyd Medical, a Swedish diabetes company focusing on the development of pharmaceuticals for the treatment of autoimmune diabetes and its complications, reports today that the US FDA has approved the experimental use of Diamyd® vaccine in children as young as 3 years of age in the TrialNet GAD study, enrolling 126 new onset type 1 diabetes patients in North America...
Tikomed Logo

Success Rate of Islet Cells Transplants May Improve With New Treatment

TikoMed AB, a Swedish biotechnology company focused on development and commercialization of innovative treatments for immune diseases and cell therapies, announced that IBsolvMIR® has been granted orphan drug designation for the prevention of graft rejection of pancreatic islet transplantation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)...