Training Again (This Time Paleo Style)

This week I kicked off my training for the season. I’ve decided to run the Tiberias marathon again in January and I’ve also signed up for a few other races, including a 30K off road race.

My first race of this season is a 10K race this weekend.

I’ve actually participated in very few 10K races. My first race ever, three years ago, was a 10K (the same race I’m running this weekend). I ran it in 48 or 49 minutes. The other three 10K’s I’ve participated in were Nike’s Human Race Night Runs  in Tel Aviv which were all crowded and slow (a little under 50 minutes),  but a lot of fun.

This race is kind of a jump start for my training program. I‘ve been running relatively short distances all summer (5-8 miles) trying to stay in decent shape while letting my body rest after months of marathon training. I’m not entirely sure what kind of shape I’m in and this race will be an indicator. I’m not going to train for it but I do hope to break my personal record which is from the same race.

I’m happy to say that I feel like I’m better prepared going in to this season’s training. I spent much of the summer trying to learn more about controlling my BS while I run. I think I learned a lot but still have a lot more to learn. One of the things I’ve learned is to run with a glucometer, which has saved me on a few runs.  (I know… it should have been the most obvious thing to do…)

Another thing I tried to figure out this summer is why my heart rate jumps on some runs as it did during the Rotterdam marathon. When I started experimenting and trying to understand the heart rate issues, I was sure a drop in BS during the run caused the problems.  But it seems that isn’t the case.  So I still don’t know why it happens when it does, but I think it has to do with highs and lows during the hours before the run (usually when I sleep).  Another interesting point is that since going on the Paleo Diet I’ve had very few HR incidents (the one I remember was after a nighttime hypo).

The Paleo Diet has done great things for my BS control and has also helped me lose weight (I’m down to 165 lb, 4 less than I was for the Rotterdam marathon). Following the Paleo Diet for Athletes, I’ve already introduced some carbohydrate to my diet, which has increased my insulin dose but has given me the energy I need to run. But now, going in to real marathon training with 30+ mile weeks, I will need to increase my carb intake some more, which I fear may cause more highs and more lows. I am going to have to try to find some more carbohydrate sources which will replenish my glycogen stores and are in the Paleo spirit.

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B Sexton
12 years ago

I am new to marathon training and very interested to see what others are going through while on a paleo diet.  Thanks.

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