Be Part Of The Cure

Join the Diabetes Research Institute (DRI) and be part of the “CURE” for type one diabetes by making a donation (as little as $10) and uploading a photo and personal story into a virtual mosaic that spells the word C-U-R-E. You will be able to see the collage filling up with thousands of photos and stories and can search for yourself and those who you know. Two corporations supporting this effort have agreed to match up to the first $25,000.  The final CURE image – with your photo – will be printed on a giant banner that will hang in the Diabetes Research Institute. Additionally, those who make a minimum donation of $50 will receive a mouse pad with the final CURE image.  Click here to be part of the CURE.

For more on the DRI, read an interview with Dr. Camillo Ricordi, Scientific Director and Chief Academic Officer of the University of Miami Diabetes Research Institute. The Diabetes Research Institute is recognized as a world leader in cure-focused research. Since its inception in the early 1970s, the DRI has pioneered many of the techniques used in islet cell transplantation and advances in cell biology and immunology. The DRI is now bridging emerging technologies with cell-based therapies to restore insulin production.

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