Byetta as Safe as Other Diabetes Drugs New Study Finds

Results of a new retrospective study of nearly 375,000 type 2 diabetes patients evaluating the incidence of events related to cardiovascular disease (CVD) and all-cause hospitalizations among initiators of BYETTA(R) (exenatide) injection compared to initiators of other commonly used diabetes medications were presented by Eli Lilly and Amylin Pharmaceuticals at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions in Chicago.

In the study, BYETTA was associated with a lower incidence of CVD-related events than insulin, thiazolidinediones (TZDs) and sulfonylureas and a comparable incidence versus metformin and Januvia(R) (sitagliptin). BYETTA was also associated with a lower incidence of all-cause hospitalizations than insulin, TZDs and sulfonylureas; a comparable incidence versus metformin and a higher incidence than Januvia.

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