Victoza More Effective Than Competitors New Study Shows

A new meta study presented by Novo Nordisk at the 20th Annual Meeting and Clinical Congress of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) shows that regardless of baseline A1C, once-daily Victoza (liraglutide [rDNA origin] injection) 1.8 mg consistently helped more patients achieve blood sugar control than some other commonly used type 2 diabetes therapies.

The study determined that all diabetes therapies improved blood sugar control across all baseline A1C categories, with greater reductions at higher baseline A1C levels as compared to placebo (added to background therapy). The greatest reductions were observed in the Victoza group and ranged from 0.7% in the less than or equal to 7.5% category to 1.8% in the >9.0% category.

Victoza reductions were followed by insulin glargine (Lantus) and exenatide (Byetta).  Patients taking Januvia (sitagliptin) experienced no reduction in the less than or equal to 7.5% category to 1.1% in the >9.0% category. Patients taking sulfonylureas had a 0.4%-1.4% reduction. Patients treated with thiazolidinediones (TZDs like Avandia and Actos) had the narrowest margin of reduction, from 0.4% in the less than or equal to 7.5% category to 0.8% in the >9.0% category.

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13 years ago

I used Victoza… had constant digestive pain… lost a bit of weight… but I had to be taken by ambulance since it put me in the hospital for one week with Acute Gastroenteritis… so there is a great big downside to this for some…

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