Diabetic Pilot Reaches the North Pole

Douglas Cairns, a former British Royal Air Force jet pilot who has type 1 diabetes, has completed his Diabetes Polar Flight expedition.  He reached the geographic North Pole, as planned, just after 5pm Alaska time (0100 GMT) and said he felt “great. Fantastic – it’s really good fun.” Not content with simply reaching the North Pole, Douglas proceeded to turn the Baron in a circle – to clock up his second round-the-world flight. “I’m turning a circle around the North Pole, going through 24 time zones in two minutes,” he said via satellite phone.

Cairns returned safely from the Pole, landing in Barrow, Alaska in the Arctic twilight. “I am delighted that it all went smoothly,”  he said.

Click here for our interview with Douglas Cairns.

Source: diabetespolarflight.org.


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