U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor to Speak At JDRF 2011 Children’s Congress

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor will meet with 150 children and teens with type 1 diabetes during the 2011 Children’s Congress which takes place June 20-22 in Washington D.C.  Justice Sotomayor, who was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of eight, will share her experiences of type 1 diabetes as she’s pursued her professional dreams. Organized by the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), the “Role Models with Type 1 Diabetes” Town Hall event in which Justice Sotomayor is participating aims to provide the children with type 1 diabetes opportunities to meet with accomplished role models in the public arena, and talk about their career achievements and healthy living with diabetes. Justice Sotomayor will be introduced by Mary Tyler Moore, the International Chairman of JDRF.


“Justice Sotomayor is truly a role model and we are honored to have her join us for this year’s Town Hall panel,” said Stefany Shaheen, Chair of Children’s Congress 2011.  “Justice Sotomayor’s ability to overcome challenges and succeed throughout a distinguished career spanning more than 30 years is truly inspiring.  The delegates of the 2011 Children’s Congress will come away from this remarkable opportunity believing that anything is possible and with perseverance, they too can achieve their dreams.”


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13 years ago

This is wonderful.  More people need to be aware of this disease and its effect on a person’s life.  Diabetes doesn’t have to be a barrier to an effective career.  But I do hope that she mentions that it would have been easier without it :)

Mike Hoskins
13 years ago

This is outstanding, and what an inspirational message for everyone. Thank you for being a part of this, Your Honor.

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