Victoza Found More Effective Than Byetta and Januvia In Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes

New data from two extension studies presented by Novo Nordisk at the 71st Annual Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association (ADA) show that Victoza (liraglutide [rDNA origin] injection), taken once-daily, in combination with metformin and/or sulfonylurea, helped patients achieve blood sugar control after switching from other commonly used type 2 diabetes therapies Byetta (exenatide) and Januvia (sitagliptin). Although not a weight loss product, the data also demonstrate that patients experienced weight loss when switched from Januvia to Victoza.

According to the new data the majority of patients switched from Byetta to Victoza experienced further reductions in HbA1c (0.3 – 0.8%) and 32% of patients who failed to reach target (HbA1c <7%) with Byetta subsequently reached target with Victoza with mean 0.8% further reductions in HbA1c. Patients switching from Januvia to Victoza 1.2 mg and 1.8 mg experienced further reductions in HbA1c (0.2% and 0.5%, respectively) and more (49.2 and 50 vs. 29.5%, respectively) reached the ADA target for blood sugar control (HbA1c <7%). Patients who switched from Januvia to Victoza also experienced significant reductions in body weight.

Additionally according to the data the addition of Levemir (insulin detemir [rDNA origin] injection) to Victoza® and metformin helped patients reach and maintain blood sugar targets, with a low frequency of hypoglycemia and maintained weight loss.

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