Isis Pharmaceuticals: Positive Phase 2 Data for ISIS 113715

Isis pharmaceuticals announced positive mid-stage trial results for the drug called ISIS 113715.  The drug, tested on Type 2 diabetics with poor glucose control, not only lowered blood glucose, but also caused reductions in LDL cholesterol and a tendency towards weight loss.  Robert Henry, M.D., Professor of Medicine, University of California at San Diego and Chief, Section of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism at VA San Diego said, “If the profile of ISIS 113715 seen in this study is confirmed in longer-term trials, the drug could be an important addition to the care of type 2 diabetic patients.”

ISIS 113715 is a novel insulin sensitizer that reduces the expression of the protein tyrosine phosphate (PTP-1B).  The drug was well tolerated by patients, with the most common side-effect being mild injection site reactions.

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