New Continuous Glucose Sensor System Developed by PositiveID

PositiveID Corporation announced that it has successfully created and laboratory-tested a stable and reproducible closed-cycle, continuous glucose sensing system that functions in the human blood fractions that are relevant to glucose analysis in the human body. PositiveID’s development of the glucose sensor, which is based on RECEPTORS LLC’s (“Receptors”) proprietary chemistry platform, is a critical component of the Company’s implantable RFID glucose-sensing microchip, GlucoChipâ„¢, which will accurately measure glucose levels in individuals with diabetes.

PositiveID and Receptors created the glucose sensing system based on the integration of specifically designed synthetic materials. The components of the self-contained, closed-cycle sensing system were designed to interact competitively with changing physiological blood glucose levels, generating a reproducible, measurable response. The sensing system components are based on simple molecular chemistry materials, rather than biochemical reagents like enzymes or antibodies, which are unstable and can require the continuous addition of external reagents. The Company believes the measurement of glucose levels through this system will allow individuals with diabetes to monitor glucose levels in a less invasive manner than any of the systems available today.

As the Company finalizes the optimization of the glucose-sensing system, it will incorporate the glucose-sensing system with a micro-electromechanical system signal transduction unit and the electronics of its RFID microchip to complete development of GlucoChip.

Scott R. Silverman, Chairman and CEO of PositiveID, said, “We are very proud to say that we, in conjunction with the skilled team of scientists at Receptors, have completed our goal of developing a stable and reproducible glucose-sensing system. By overcoming this significant hurdle in the development of GlucoChip and accomplishing this pivotal goal, the Company will begin to look for major partners to accelerate the remaining development of GlucoChip, a project that has the potential to revolutionize the way people with diabetes monitor their glucose levels.”

For the full press release click here

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13 years ago

This sounds very interesting.  Do you need any test subjects?  I have had an islet cell transplant and am deemed too healthy for my insurance company to cover one now.  I have used a CGM for a few years before my transplant and am a medical technologist.  I understand how they operate and can interpret results.

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