Scallop Ceviche with Avocado and Mango

I recently had the pleasure of catering a dinner party in Dallas, Texas.  Dallas has been in the midst of a heat wave for the past few weeks.  It was miserably hot there so this light and refreshing ceviche dish was perfect for the party.

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Scallop Ceviche with Avocado and Mango


  • 14 oz big, juicy scallops
  • ½-inch fresh root ginger (peeled)
  • 1 red chili (seeds and membranes removed)
  • 4 juicy limes
  • 1 large mango
  • 1 large avocado
  • 1 large shallot
  • 6 Tbsp cilantro
  • Olive oil, to taste


  1. Clean the scallops, removing the tough muscle, wash them and pat the dry thoroughly with kitchen towel.
  2. Cut into dice of about ½-inch with a sharp knife – you don’t want to bruise them too much or they’ll release too much water.
  3. Wash the limes and remove the peel with a zester, finely chop the peel as well as the chilli and add both to the scallops.
  4. Juice the limes, grate the ginger and pour over the fish, gently stirring through.
  5. Leave to cure in the refigerator for 2 hours.
  6. Peel the mango and avocado, remove the stone and cut into small dice, about ¼-inch. Peel and finely chop the shallot.
  7. Add to the scallops and carefully stir through, without bruising the avocado.
  8. Drain, reserving the marinade in a bowl. Season the ceviche with salt, pepper, some olive oil and the remaining marinade, to taste.
  9. Chop the cilantro finely and stir into the ceviche just before serving.

Yield: 4


Because ceviche isn’t actually cooked, be sure to pick the freshest, best quality scallops you can find.

Melissa Lieser
Melissa Lieser

Melissa Lieser began her training in Culinary Arts at Kendall College in Chicago, Illinois and most recently at the French Culinary Institute in New York City, where she graduated with distinction and at the top of her class. She has worked in multiple kitchens across the United States and is the founder of Melissa spends her time raising her two amazing children, reading, and exploring the city. She promotes the use of seasonal, local and fresh ingredients to create flavorful and simple dishes.

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13 years ago

Love ceviche with avocado :)

Mimi from California Avocados Direct
Mimi from California Avocados Direct
13 years ago

Scallops are my husband’s favorite.  He is an avocado grower and we live on our family farm…so a recipe that pairs scallops with avocados is definitely going to be a hit!  Love the combination of  mango and avocado too…the colors are gorgeous!

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