PositiveID Completes Phase II Testing Of GlucoChip, a Glucose-Sensing Microchip

PositiveID announced it has successfully completed Phase II testing of its GlucoChip™, a glucose-sensing microchip for diabetes patients. In Phase II, the Company, in conjunction with its development partner RECEPTORS LLC, created and demonstrated a stable and reproducible, closed-cycle continuous glucose-sensing system. The system consistently functions in the human blood fractions that are relevant to glucose analysis in the human body. The companies have published results from their laboratory testing in a white paper titled, “Development of the Sensing System for an Implantable Glucose Sensor,” available at http://www.positiveidcorp.com/files/ImplantableGlucoseSensorWhitePaper.pdf.

Robert E. Carlson, Ph.D., President and Chief Scientific Officer of Receptors, said, “We have successfully developed the glucose sensing system, which is the mission critical component of the implantable glucose sensor for use by diabetic patients. A combination of Receptors’ experience in both analytical systems development and artificial receptor technology has led to the successful development of this system, which is a significant milestone in the development of GlucoChip. I am especially pleased that we have developed a stable, sensitive and selective glucose-sensing system from all synthetic components, thus avoiding the stability and sensitivity issues that commonly accompany the use of biochemical reagents like enzymes or antibodies.”

As the Company finalizes the optimization of the glucose-sensing system, it will incorporate the glucose-sensing system with a micro-electromechanical system signal transduction unit and the electronics of its RFID microchip to complete development of GlucoChip.

Scott R. Silverman, Chairman and CEO of PositiveID, said, “The completion of Phase II enables us to move to our next step of development, which includes the integration of the glucose-sensing system with the RFID and electronics components of our implantable microchip. We believe that with our proof of science complete and the requisite laboratory testing data, we will be able to attract engineering partners to help us realize our goal of providing a continuous glucose monitor for people with diabetes.”

GlucoChip is based on the Company’s FDA cleared microchip for patient identification, the VeriChip, and the Company’s Patent No. 7,125,382 for an “Embedded Bio-Sensor System.” The Company’s Embedded Bio-Sensor System patent covers a bio-sensor system that utilizes radio frequency identification technology and includes a remote transponder in wireless communication with an implantable passively-powered on-chip transponder.

Receptors LLC develops Smart Materials products for laboratory, clinical, industrial hygiene and healthcare use that selectively capture and measure chemical, biochemical and cellular targets from complex biological, environmental or industrial samples. The Company’s patented Affinity by Design™ platform has broad applicability, ranging from the isolation of disease pathway proteins for drug discovery and production of therapeutic antibodies, to the capture of bacteria and viruses for disinfection and diagnostic purposes. Receptors LLC is a private company based in suburban Minneapolis, Minnesota . For further information please visit www.receptorsllc.com.

Source: PositiveID

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