TEDxDelMar: Preventing and Curing Type 1 Diabetes

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I have always said that San Diego is a great place to be if you’re a diabetic, and now some incredibly generous and organized local San Diegans are setting about to prove me right! That’s probably a very me-centric way of looking at things, but how could this not be about me? Seventeen of the top names in diabetes research and care are speaking in San Diego on October 15th at TEDxDelMar.

But, really, me aside, it’s going to be great– Jeff Bluestone, Steve Edelman, Bill Polonsky, and Bruce Buckingham, all in one room? I am so there. And I am writing today to say you should be, too.

But wait, you protest, what are you talking about, and what is TEDxDelMar? A valid question; let me start at the beginning. TED is the Technology Entertainment and Design conference that has been held annually since 1990 with the goal of bringing people together to hear “ideas worth spreading.” Speakers give eighteen minute talks on topics ranging from new technologies to music to social movements to neuroscience, and, since 2006, these brief, engaging pieces have been posted online at www.ted.com, for all the world to see and spread. (If you’ve never seen a TED presentation, I suggest you take eighteen minutes and go watch one right now.)

So, TED is great. The only problem is that tickets to the actual conference cost $6,000, and it’s only once a year. There are more ideas worth spreading and worth hearing in person than that, so TEDx was established. TEDx is an extension of TED through which communities and organizations can hold, record, and broadcast conferences that, like the main TED, engage people in conversations about ideas worth spreading.

Each TEDx is licensed for a location– TEDxSydney, TEDxUSC , and so on. Thus, in 2010, the first TEDxDelMar was organized in Del Mar, the photogenic beach city in North San Diego. Speakers included V.S. Ramachandran from the UCSD Brain Center and economist David Ellerman, and proceeds went to benefit a local beach safety center.

Now it’s 2011, and high time for another TEDx. But, lucky for me, one of the organizers of TEDxDelMar, Liz Eddy, is also a friend of the UCSD Pediatric Diabetes Research Center (PDRC), and involved in the type 1 diabetes community. She, along with other members of the leadership council of the PDRC, conceived of a TEDx for type 1 diabetes– publicizing and explaining the research of scientists at the PDRC and elsewhere, so that diabetics and those who love them can access this crucial information and these crucial people in person in San Diego and online everywhere afterwards.

It’s taken some time, wrestling with more than one bureaucracy, and a whole lot of moxie on the part of the organizers, but they’ve put it together, and this October 15th, we will have TEDxDelMar, with seventeen amazing speakers, all talking about what’s next in type 1 diabetes. The event is not actually in Del Mar this year, but will be at the KPBS studios in San Diego, and tickets are only $100. So if you are anywhere nearby, or can get anywhere nearby, I urge you to buy your tickets today. And if you can’t go in person, then be sure to watch for the videos at www.tedxdelmar.com.

Without further ado, the speakers and talk titles, if you can bear waiting until October 15th after reading them!

Jeff Bluestone, Ph.D. (UCSF) Why You? Why T1D is on the Rise
Matthias Von Herrath, M.D. (LIAI) Attack of the Beta Cells – The Movie
Richard Insel, M.D. (JDRF) Is There a Vaccine?
Michael German, M.D. (UCSF) Where do Beta Cells Come From?
Steven Edelman, M.D. (UCSD) Xtreme Diabetes Makeover
Athena Tsimikas, M.D. (Scripps Whittier Diabetes Institute) Surviving a Hospital Stay
Nigel Calcutt, M.D. (UCSD) Preventing and Treating Complications – What’s New?
Bill Polonsky, Ph.D. (Behavorial Diabetes Institute) Psyching Out Diabetes
Peter Butler, M.D. (UCLA) Preserving Your Beta Cells
Maike Sander, M.D. (UCSD) From Stem Cells to Beta Cells
Peter Stock, M.D., Ph.D. (UCSF) Islet Cells Transplant Update
Daniel Anderson, Ph.D. (MIT) Avoiding the Immune Attack
Bernard Hering, M.D. (U. of MN) Is There a Pig in Your Future?
Pamela Itkin-Ansari, Ph.D. (Sanford Burnham) Islet Cell Transplants – A New Approach
Bruce Buckingham, M.D. (Stanford) The Bionic Diabetic
David Gough, Ph.D. (UCSD) Implantable Long-Term Glucose Sensors
Alberto Hayek, M.D. (UCSD) Concluding Remarks
Karmel Allison
Karmel Allison

Karmel was born in Southern California, diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at the age of nine, and educated at UC Berkeley. Karmel now lives in San Diego with her husband, where she is loving the sunshine, working in computational biology at the University of California, San Diego, and learning to use the active voice when talking about her diabetes.

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Scott Strumello
12 years ago

We look forward to your exquisite coverage, Carmel!

Andrea Ross
Andrea Ross
12 years ago

Please let me know if you organization can pass out flyers to patients.

Andrea Ross
Andrea Ross
12 years ago

Great news, the comittee met and ticket prices are lowered to $50 and $35 with a valid student ID. Andrea Ross! One touch

David Winkler
David Winkler
13 years ago

Congratulations to Dr. Hayek, co-director of the UCSD Pediatric Diabetes Research Center; Dr. Steven Edelman, Director of TCOYD; Liz Eddy; Stephanie Bergsma; Margery Perry and the other volunteers for organizing and overseeing this non-profit event.  What a stellar group of T1D speakers, many of whom will be available at the KPBS studio at 5200 Campaile Drive, San Diego 92182 on the SDSU campus.   I encourage all local T1Ds and their families to learn, first-hand, about cutting edge research and care.  Your attendence will also help to defray the costs of this exceptional event.  Thank you.

Bernard Farrell
13 years ago

Like Scott, I’m a big fan. The talks are inspiring and informative. I can’t wait to see the talks online and to read your reporting of what’s said. Just want to point out that I’m no relation to Bernard Hering, despite the first name.  ;-)

Scott K. Johnson
13 years ago

Thanks Karmel – I’m also a HUGE TED fan.  I’m so excited to see these folks presenting, and who knows what seeds of inspiration will get planted (which is what TED is all about!).
I’m so glad you’ll be able to go!  Can’t wait to read more about it.

tour de whatever
tour de whatever
13 years ago

What is this group doing toward  “Preventing and Curibng Diabetes” as mentioned in the Title of your article , other than selling event tickets?
Seems a bit exploitive.

Jane Kokernak
13 years ago

Thanks for covering this, Karmel! I can’t wait to read your full report on the event and see the videos of the presentations.
I have been to TEDx Boston events. While the themes were not diabetes, the programs were excellent — these are great learning opportunities in a lively social setting.
In short, I wish I could come to San Diego for this. I’m envious!

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