Egg Muffins (With Spinach and Zucchini)

 If you’re fighting high blood sugar after breakfast, this is a perfect recipe for you.  You can make ahead and store in the freezer so there’s no cooking stress in the morning.  We’re very grateful to Michelle Madden of The Sweet Beet for sharing this recipe to help us bring attention to Diabetes Awareness Month .  – Jessica Apple


These egg muffins are really like mini soufflés since you separate the whites from yolks and hence they’re moist and light.  They’re super quick to make, and unbelievably delicious to eat (even cold!).

Add any flavor combinations you like. Bacon or ham bits would work well. Other herbs you can try are tarragon or thyme.

(6 votes, average: 4.17 out of 5)
Egg Muffins (With Spinach and Zucchini)


  • 1 scallion (or 1/4 of small onion)
  • 1/2 medium zucchini
  • 2 big fists-full of spinach leaves
  • 2 tbsp feta (or grated Parmesan cheese)
  • 5 lg. leaves fresh basil
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • Salt and pepper (You’ll need a fair but of salt, especially if using spinach.)
  • 5 eggs


  1. Set the oven to 375. Grease the muffin tin well. This is critical! (Eggs can stick badly so don’t go light and work the butter/oil into the bottom round part where the egg likes to stick. You could use liners but they don’t allow the muffins to dry as they cool, hence a soggier bottom.)
  2. Dice the onion and zucchini quite small and cut the spinach and basil into thin strips. Sautee onion and zucchini. Add spinach until just wilted. Add the basil. Separate yolks from whites and whip the whites until peaks form. Add the cooked vegetables to the bowl of yolks, plus the cheese, the milk and the salt and pepper. (Don’t skimp on the salt as I find that especially with spinach you need a fair bit.) Then fold the whites into the whole mixture.
  3. Cook for 15 minutes. Once out of the oven, wait 10 minutes then run a knife around the outside of the muffins and coax them off the bottom with the knife. Place on a wire rack. If you leave them in the muffin tins too long, the bottoms will get soggy.

Yield: Makes approximately 12 muffins.


To store: (In fridge): Once cool, wrap in paper towel to absorb some of the moisture. This will help keep them fresher. (In freezer): Once cool, separate them and cover in cling wrap and place in bag or simply place them flat in a container (no wrap). If they are touching they will freeze together and it will be harder to pull just one or two out to thaw.

Photo courtesy of Michelle Madden.  For more wonderful recipes like this one, please visit Michelle’s blog, The Sweet Beet.

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Donna Oltman
Donna Oltman
9 years ago

What do you mean by pizza seasoning? Italian seasoning?

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