Homemade Ricotta

We’re very grateful to Denise Woodward of the wonderful food blog, Chez Us, for sharing this recipe with us during Diabetes Awareness Month.  We have made this recipe several times (I had to try it the day I saw it) and it is fantastic.  It’s about as simple as cooking gets, and it’s the most affordable way to get Ricotta.  Thank you so much, Denise! – Jessica Apple

Ricotta is one of the easiest cheeses to make.  One of the best reasons to make your own ricotta is having control over what goes into the recipe.  Always start with the freshest whole milk you can find, preferably organic.  You can use any type of lemon, each one will give a slightly different flavor.  For instance, Meyer Lemon will give more of a floral undertone, which is really lovely with a plate of fresh tomatoes. You can also control the flavor of your ricotta by using different flavored salts, don’t be afraid to go beyond kosher salt.  Smoked salt adds a wonderful dimension as does a slightly sweet pecan salt.  Have fun with this recipe.

(5 votes, average: 4.80 out of 5)
Homemade Ricotta


  • 7 cups whole milk, I use organic
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
  • Salt to taste


  1. Heat milk to boiling. Lower heat to a very low simmer. Stir in lemon juice.
  2. The milk will begin to turn to curds after a couple minutes. Once the process has ended you will have a pan of curds and a watery mixture.
  3. Drain the curds into a cheesecloth lined colander. Put into a small bowl and season with salt. Use immediately or let chill in the fridge. Serve. Eat.

Yield: Makes almost 2 cups

*Photo courtesy of Denise Woodward.  For more recipes like this one visit  Chez Us.

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