Why Type 2 Diabetes Patients Resist Intensifying Insulin Treatment, Lilly to Conduct Study

Eli Lilly has announced it is conducting the first major international, prospective observational study designed to understand the real-world obstacles (MOSA1c study) that people with type 2 diabetes face which prevent them from reaching their ultimate treatment goals. 
Despite daily treatment with insulin, many people with type 2 diabetes resist a progression of insulin therapy that could help them reach their ideal blood sugar target.  As diabetes progresses, people often need to intensify their treatment by increasing their insulin to avoid spikes in blood sugar level. Though there is a great deal of research on why people with diabetes resist moving from oral medications to insulin, there is scarce information to help understand the barriers to insulin intensification. The aims of the MOSA1c study are to:
Shed light on the non-clinical challenges and barriers associated with progressing insulin therapy 
Help people with type 2 diabetes better understand and engage in their own diabetes management; and 
Identify strategies to improve communication between patients and physicians, facilitating a tailored, personal approach to diabetes care that leads to improved glycemic control.
Lilly has partnered with Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School to conduct the study, which began enrolling patients in July 2011, following 4,500 people with type 2 diabetes taking insulin in the U.S. and 16 other countries for two years. 
Lilly expects interim results from the MOSA1c study to be available in mid-2012.
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