A Season to Have Diabetes

Hanukkah, known to most as the festival of lights, is really (at least in Israel) the festival of donuts. As a kid growing up in Jerusalem there were no Dunkin’ Donuts or other doughnut stores but every Hanukkah the city was covered with stores and stands selling “soofganiot” which are basically round donuts (deep fried sweet dough) with some sort of filling and powder sugar on top. Originally they were all filled with industrial red jam (the florescent kind that has no fruit in it whatsoever) but as the country has evolved so has the Hanukkah doughnut market. At first it was just the filling that changed. There were options like chocolate and butterscotch. But as life becomes more cosmopolitan, bakeries have started making fancy doughnut – baked, brioche, glazed and many others options (a few of which I have photographed).

As a kid I ate my fair share of donuts, but they were never a favorite of mine and were not very hard to give up, even before diabetes came along. Not that I gave up donuts entirely before diagnosis but caring about my waist line, I kept it to a minimum. Since being diagnosed with diabetes almost a decade ago I have not had a doughnut , Hanukkah or Dunkin’, and how lucky I am.

I just know, seeing the amazing Hanukkah doughnut options around that if I allowed myself I would have to try at least one of each of the most attractive ones which would add up to at least one a day, if not more.

So this Hanukkah I am grateful for diabetes keeping me thin and healthy and keeping me from temptation.

On another Hanukkah note; it wouldn’t be Hanukkah to me without Adam Sandler’s Hanukkah Song (this is #3):


 And if you missed Jon Stewart & Stephen Colbert Sing Hanukkah Songs here is another funny song:


Running Update: I finished my last week of hard work and have started to taper toward the marathon. I ran 61 miles last week including a 24 mile run.

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Nathan Shackelford
12 years ago

Yes. I feel that diabetes has led me to know a lot more about healthy eating (for everyone, not just diabetics) than I would know otherwise. I’m thankful for that. 

Deborah Kanter
12 years ago

With you Michael! Yes one of the odd unexpected benefits of diabetes is staying away from the holiday excesses: sufganiot, latkes, Halloween candy, stuffing and pies. Everyone else moans and groans at the end of a Thanksgiving meal, except me! Also a wonderful opportunity to devise ways to celebrate that are less food-centered.
Hag sameach!

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