Another Good Use for My Insulin Pump

Getting an insulin pump has changed my life for the better. It’s true that it isn’t always convenient, and I occasionally get some remarks or questions, but my blood sugar control is so much better (as proven both by the reduction in my HbA1c levels and small number of highs and lows). I’m sure many pumpers feel the way I do about their pumps, a little uncomfortable because of the physical presence, but happy with what they do.  This is probably truer to those of us using a pump with tubing like my Medtronic insulin pump.
Today I’m very happy to report that for once, my pump has turned out to be not a physical bother, but a useful tool.  
On the way back from a morning meeting, I stopped at the Tel Aviv Marathon expo to pick up my race kit –  bib (race number), chip and shirt – for the half marathon I’m running this weekend. When I got there I discovered that the expo only opened after 4:00 p.m. A little disappointed I decided to go to the Adidas store (one of the official sponsors)  to cheer myself up.  
I took a few running shirts and went into one of the changing stalls. When I went to take off my shirt I realized I needed to find somewhere to put my headphones. (I recently bought my first pair of big head phones – not buds – Urbanears).  Since the headphones don’t fit in my pocket and there was no chair in the stall.  I wasn’t sure what to do.  I didn’t want to put them on the floor.
Then I looked down at my waist and found the perfect spot – my insulin pump – clipped to my pants (like a pager). I took the headphones off my neck and placed them gently on my pump, and tried a few running shirts on. I didn’t like any of them (which is a shame because they were 30% off) but I was very happy about my discovery.
Another good use for my insulin pump.
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Scott K. Johnson
12 years ago

Ha!  Michael!  I love this!

Catherine Price
12 years ago

I always use a pack or fuel belt so I hook it on. I find it very uncomfortable if attached to my shorts/tights. But it’s still a little annoying – I need it though. I can’t detach since I need some basal insulin when I run (30%)

Timmie Smart
Timmie Smart
12 years ago

This picture made me laugh.  I do have a question, and maybe you have covered this as I am new to ASweetLife, but what do you do with your pump when running?  I often am readjusting to make it more secure and find it annoying.
Also, love the interview with both of you.  Very real.

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