Carbohydrates at the Passover Seder

What’s hiding at the Passover seder?  

If you answered “afikoman,” you’re right. (The afikomen is a piece of matzo traditionally hidden during the Passover seders.  Children search for the afikomen and the child who finds it gets a prize.)

But something is else is hiding at the seder too.


Be aware.  Be prepared.  

There are more carbohydrates at the seder than you could possibly imagine.  Most matzo has approximately 30 grams of carb per slice and each matzo ball in matzo ball soup has approximately 10 grams of carb.  Charoset recipes vary, but most contain fruit (apples), dried fruit (dates, raisins), honey, sugar, etc.  In short, it’s all carb.  Gelfilte fish, which sounds low carb, is usually  made with sugar and matzo meal. (Matzo meal is ground matzah.)  Potato kugel!  What can I guesstimate about the carbohydrates in potato kugel?  30-40 grams per serving?  

Drinking wine is also part of a traditional seder, and alcohol can lower blood sugar levels.  So keep that in mind.  

A high carb meal, with alcohol?!  Enjoy it (moderation!), and remember to take your glucose meter to the seder and check regularly.

Happy Passover!

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12 years ago

At a Palm Sunday gathering with my friends today, I was frustrated at what it did to my ability to control my diabetes. Nothing like what you are experiencing. Doesn’t it make you crazy?

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