Boehringer and Lilly Introduce Online Program for Adults with Type 2 Diabetes

Boehringer Ingelheim  and Eli Lilly and Company have announced the availability of My Well Planner,  a new online program offering customized educational content to help adults with type 2 diabetes make simple lifestyle changes to improve their health. My Well Planner is designed to address the emotional barriers people with type 2 diabetes face every day. The program is modeled on a behavioral change approach and offers personalized content that adjusts as patients use the tool over time.

The program helps adults with type 2 diabetes and their healthcare providers work together to set small lifestyle goals at their own pace, building toward bigger goals in the future. Sample topics include: general information about type 2 diabetes, better eating habits, building physical activity into daily life, taking medication and communication strategies.

Approximately 25.8 million Americans, or 8.3 percent, have type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is the most common type, accounting for an estimated 90 to 95 percent of all diabetes cases. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) projects as many as one in three U.S. adults could have diabetes by 2050 if current trends continue. However, research has shown for patients with diabetes, a combination of treatment and lifestyle changes in nutrition, physical exercise and stress reduction can bring about improvements in their glucose levels.

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