Hurricane Relief for JDRF

If you visit the JDRF website, a pop-up appears that details the affects of Hurricane Sandy on their employees and their New York office, which remains closed.  It’s always a great idea to donate to JDRF, and now is an especially good time.  JDRF’s statement is below. 

“The hurricane’s affects have touched the lives of our committed employees, their families and the countless volunteers who give tirelessly to support JDRF. 

For those who have reached out to us with concern, knowing our National Office is located in Lower Manhattan, we thank you for your kind words of concern and hope.

We are relieved to report our staff and their families are safe. Many are without power, some had to move to temporary housing but all are safe. Our National office in Manhattan is closed and many of the services we provide across the nation are compromised by the devastation. While your local chapter is likely open and can receive email, Hurricane Sandy has impacted our phones across the nation. To reach your local chapter via email, you can find their email address HERE.

If you are supporting JDRF through a Walk , Ride, Kids Walk or a Gala, for example, we thank you and are pleased to report those systems are fully functioning. You can access them HERE.

If you are here to support JDRF with a donation to assist our recovery from the affect of this devastating Hurricane, we thank you for your heart felt concern and support. You can make your donation HERE.

Thank you for your support for JDRF. It’s because of dedicated people like you, we will continue our commitment to a world without T1D.”

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