Stashing Diabetes Supplies and Other Glu Questions of the Day

This week there were some very good Glu Questions and the one I liked the most was the user submitted question on Nov. 9th: What minimum quantity of diabetes supplies do you usually keep in your supply stash?

As always, I answered all of the questions briefly and wrote a little more about stashing diabetes supplies.  


What minimum quantity of diabetes supplies do you usually keep in your supply stash?

Like many people with diabetes, I have a nice stash of diabetes supplies. In fact, I don’t feel comfortable unless I have a large stash of diabetes supplies. When I started taking metformin I asked the doctor to start me off with a double prescription so I wouldn’t feel I was running out.

 Diabetes Supplies - My Stashes

I don’t have a set amount I like to have but I can say that the minimum amount is one month’s worth of supplies. So if I use two vials of insulin a month I like to have at least 3 vials in the refrigerator, and if I use 5 boxes of test strips a month than 10 boxes in the cabinet make me feel secure.

I do find, however, that some times there is no correlation between the amount of supplies prescribed and covered by insurance and those needed. For example, I get a ridiculous amount of infusion sets every month. I get 2 boxes of 10 sets, although I put a new infusion set in every 3 days. One box of 10 sets would not be enough and15 sets would be plenty, but because they come in boxes of 10 sets, I get 20.

On the other hand, accumulating test strips is a problem because it means that I need to limit the amount of testing I do, which means being less informed about my blood sugar level. I also test more frequently than most people (I think) because of my running. On some days I’ll test five or six times before 7:00 a.m. My insurance allows me up to five boxes of test strips (I used to get three until someone decided that people using insulin could get more). So strips are a very important part of a stash.


Nov. 12th: Are you or a loved one currently active in military service or a veteran?

Yes. I served in the IDF. Not the International Diabetes Federation but in the Israeli Defense Forces. I served as a Paratrooper and an Infantry Officer. But this was before I had diabetes.


Nov. 11th: Do you feel embarrassed about checking your blood sugar in public?

No. I’m not a drug addict. I have diabetes there and is nothing to be ashamed of.  Anyway, who has time and energy to be embarrassed. Diabetes is hard enough as it is.


Nov. 10th: Are you a coffee drinker? If so, how many cups a day?

Yes. Yes. Yes. I love coffee. I don’t view it as a vice (and there are plenty of studies showing it is good for you) but I have been trying to cut down and limit myself to 3-4 cups a day. (I drink my coffee black – no milk or sweetener).


Nov. 8th: Do you feel that you know what your rights are as a person with diabetes?

No. I have never really looked into my rights as a person with diabetes.


Nov. 7th: Did you participate in the Big Blue Test this year? (Big Blue Test ends Nov. 14)

Yes, of course.


Nov. 6th: Does diabetes influence your political views?

This question sent on Election Day and is somewhat political and therefore I will say this. My political views are not influenced by my own health. I have always believed that the State should provide universal healthcare to its citizens just as it provides education (public schooling) and security (police and military). 

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Bill Woods
11 years ago

Michael I always enjoy your recap of Glu’s question of the day.  You have a mighty diabetes stash there, I am a little jealous.  However after reading your post, it reminded my to reorder my insulin!

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