T1D Exchange and Sanofi Team Up For Study Of Diabetes Care in Young Patients

T1D ExchangeT1D Exchange, a non-profit organization focused on type 1 diabetes, and Sanofi have joined forces in the TEENs registry study, a study aimed at providing a better understanding of how children, adolescents and young adults are currently living with type 1 diabetes, and to deliver recommendations for better disease management and patients outcomes. 
TEENs is a multinational, observational, cross-sectional study that will evaluate the percentage of type 1 diabetes patients between the ages of 8 and 25 with controlled glycemia, as measured by hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c). Secondary outcomes will include measurements of quality of life and emotional status, the relationship between glycemic control and quality of life, and the impact of factors such as medical care on these two measurements. 
The TEENs study will enroll more than 7,000 people with type 1 diabetes in 20 countries, with a sample representative of the typical medical care in the respective country. In the U.S., Sanofi works in partnership with T1D Exchange for the recruitment of the young study participants and for implementation of this study. Worldwide, Sanofi partners with various clinic centers, hospitals, and healthcare professionals. 
Data will be collected from healthcare professionals, parents or guardians, and patients. Anticipated outcomes include: identification of predictive factors for glucose control and acute complications of type 1 diabetes, better understanding of unmet needs of young people with type 1 diabetes in different age groups, documentation of insulin regimens in young people with type 1 diabetes, and description of the patient journey from pediatric to adult care services. 
Results from the TEENs study will be presented at scientific congresses in 2013 and in 2014
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