Alone with My Blood Sugar

I’m one week away from the Tel Aviv marathon and me and the guys from my running group are starting to get very nervous about our up coming event.  It’s not the distance we’re worried about (we’ve all run marathons before) but the weather. 

On Tuesday (the 5th), ten days before race day, we started looking to see what kind of weather we could expect. The 10-day forecast predicted that Friday would be wormer than usual, but much better than the rest of the week, which is supposed to be hot with highs at around 90. But as the days have gone by, and the forecast has become more accurate it looks as if Friday is going to be pretty bad, with highs in the mid to high 80’s.

It’s true that the weather may change and may turn out to be better than predicted, but after months of training none of us want to find ourselves running a bad race, slowing down trying not to dehydrate.

So we’ve started thinking about Plan B, another marathon somewhere else. Although most of the big marathons are closed by now there are some – Milan, Hamburg, Zurich… – that we may be able to get into. This is far from ideal, since it means postponing the marathon by a few weeks, but it may be better than trying to run a marathon in a heat wave.

The nice thing about all of this is that I’m not alone in this and if I do decide to go abroad to run, I won’t be doing it alone.

What I am alone in is my crappy blood sugar control. The last few weeks have been a little bit of a blood sugar roller-coaster ride. I’ve had more morning highs, most of which felt like rebounds from nighttime lows, than I’ve had since going on the pump. I don’t know why this has been happening but it has been frustrating me and making me feel like a bad diabetic.

This morning when I woke up my blood sugar was 230. An hour later, before I started running – I didn’t take any insulin – It was up to 265. As expected my blood sugar dropped after I started running, and after 5 miles I felt fine, not good but fine.

This has been happening so often that I’ve stopped telling my running mates about it. I feel as if it’s turned into an excuse, something to say so if I don’t run well it isn’t my fault.

Unlike the weather, which is out of my control and shared by all, my blood sugar is mine and mine alone and although friends may be understanding and sympathetic. I feel alone in my worries and frustrations. 

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Ramona Van Curen
Ramona Van Curen
11 years ago

Michael, I am a type 1 since 94 and was on a pump for 10 years, still bad control but with an old pump and no insurance I went back to the needle…looking forward to the artificial pancreas!  At any rate I know my Dr’s told me when my sugar is high like 250 that exercising will make it go up.  I do not exercise but I am sure it is true, are you not taking insulin when you need to?  I would think that you should eat & shoot up after testing and then take your pump off when… Read more »

Catherine Price
11 years ago

I ran the Half Marathon (marathon was postponed), and I’m fine. Didn’t run as fast as I may have liked but I survived the heat :)

11 years ago

I’m hoping you will update us soon and tell us you chose not to run. Just read about the heat stroke at the Tel Aviv marathon. Best wishes for those who are in the hospital that they recover quickly.

I have been following your running story and Jessica’s blog and find them very comforting and inspirational. Thanks. 

Catherine Price
11 years ago

Thanks Rose. 
I woke up this morning with high blood sugar (again), feeling crappy and frustrated. Then I saw your comment and I suddenly felt much better. :)

11 years ago

Hold on, Dear Mike. Not only do we feel less alone because of you — we feel a whole heck of a lot more hopeful, strong, courageous, and inspired. Thanks for being there, Rose

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