My Diabetes Journey

Christmas Eve, 1997, should have been a joyous night for my four year old self. I should have been eating copious amounts of homemade goodies while I awaited the sound of Santa’s sleigh bells. I should have been able to fall asleep in my own cozy bed that night and wake up the next morning in my own home. Instead, I found myself opening my presents from a hospital bed that Christmas day.

This fateful Christmas occurred more than fifteen years ago, but my memories from my time in the hospital are vivid. I will never forget being poked and prodded by needles over and over again. I stopped crying after the first few times I got pricked. I remember my mother and father sticking by my side as day faded to night. I remember asking them what was happening to me.

Of course, diabetes is incomprehensible to a child that young. No matter what a parent tries to tell their child, it’s difficult for anyone to totally understand the lasting impact of this disease. However, my mother was fully aware. She had gestational diabetes when she was pregnant with my older brother. It returned for good during her pregnancy with me. Although we wish neither of us were affected by diabetes, we are thankful for the constant support we can provide each other. From day one, she has understood what it’s like, and with my father’s assistance she taught me all that a diabetic needs to know.

Thus, my winding journey down the diabetic path began. For the past fifteen years, I have been working diligently every day of my life to maintain healthy blood sugars. I have seen more endocrinologists and nurse practitioners than I can count. I have seen a myriad of technological advancements, as well: I remember having to wait a full 60 seconds to see the results of a blood glucose test during the first few years of my diabetes. I have tweaked my insulin dosage and carb ratios over and over again. Many times, I have explained diabetes to the people I have encountered in my life. I have experienced the highs and lows, literally and figuratively, on this diabetic journey. I am tested on a daily basis. My biggest challenge was presented in Fall 2011, when I made the transition from home to college life. It wasn’t seamless, but I have learned many valuable lessons along the way concerning my health and independence.

Today, I am nearly halfway through my college career. I have involved myself with the College Diabetes Network at UMass Amherst, which has consequently expanded my knowledge of the disease. Even though I am not a perfect diabetic, I consider myself a determined diabetic. I am confident in my ability to defy diabetes and its challenges every single day of my life.

Molly Johannes
Molly Johannes

Molly Johannes was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 1997 at the age of four. She controls her diabetes with an OmniPod insulin pump, Dexcom continuous glucose monitor, and daily exercise. Molly graduated cum laude from the University of Massachusetts Amherst in December 2014 with a degree in English. Currently, she works fulltime as an associate editor for a financial company. In her spare time, Molly enjoys spending time with her loved ones, reading books, watching movies, and playing games. She’s an avid fan of Disney, dark chocolate, wine, Harry Potter, and fun times. While Molly does not know a life without diabetes, she is determined to defy the daily obstacles the disease presents.

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11 years ago

molly, I have always been amazed by you and how well you have handled the transitions in your life, and this is now a way so others can know how truly special you are. I am honored to call someone like you my friend and I am excited to be able to follow you along this blogging journey. I cannot wait to watch you inspire others the way you continue to inspire me everyday. Thank you for sharing, my sweet.

Steve G.
11 years ago

Welcome to A Sweet Life, Molly. You share a special bond with our daughter, Lia, who also spent Christmas in the hospital courtesy of a type 1 diagnosis (dx’d 2008, 8yrs old). She still talks about it like it was yesterday. In fact, it was just yesterday she asked if during her stay I had eaten in the hospital cafeteria. I told her, yes, probably, but the truth is I spent most of my time away from her bed going about pretending like there was still a Santa Claus, who happened to know just exactly which room she was staying in… Read more »

Mike Hoskins
11 years ago

Welcome to the ever-growing Diabetes Online Community, and for working with such a great group of D-peeps over there at A Sweet Life! Great to hear you’ve also connected with CDN! Looking forward to reading more. Thanks for sharing your story with all of us! OK, me and my exclamation-heavy commenting are leaving now… (!)

Wayne Texeira
Wayne Texeira
11 years ago

Great first blog!  

Paula Anderson
Paula Anderson
11 years ago

Well done, my Godchild !!! :D…You are very inspirational !!!!  When I think of all the “bad” things I used to do as a kid, yet, here I am..2 years away from my 50 YEAR PIN with Joslin !!!  You too will be there, but as an example to follow…so proud of you sweetie !!! Love ya ! 

Heather Gabel
Heather Gabel
11 years ago

Hi Molly,

Thank you for sharing. I was wondering if I could use this for a study I am doing at UC Berkeley? I have type-1 and decided to track “diabetes stories” If you have time, and are willing I would love to ask you a few more questions.

i listed my email there. you can also find me through my website. <3 

Vickie Palmatier
Vickie Palmatier
11 years ago

You may not think you’re a perfect diabetic but… I think YOU are perfect <3 Excellent writing, love bug!

– Vickie 

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